About the Dictionary for Cupido et Psyche This dictionary contains all the words used in the Latin novella Cupido et Psyche. If you would like a preview of the novella, you can read the first chapter in its entirety, including artwork, here. Unlike the Index Verborum, which is a list of all the word forms in the novella, the dictionary for Cupido et Psyche provides the full dictionary entry for the word. In addition to providing the dictionary entry and definition, the frequency in which the word generally appears in Latin literature is provided. The Dickinson Core Vocabulary and Essential Latin Vocabulary were used in creating the frequency rating.
Sample for Cupido et Psyche: Capitulum I
Cupido et Psyche is a Latin novella published by Bombax Press. This sample for Cupido et Psyche contains the complete first chapter of the story, including its artwork. The novella is 8,800 words long and contains 350 words. Of those 350 words, some are cognates, proper nouns, or glossed words. A student needs a working vocabulary knowledge of 253 unique words to read this story in its entirety. The complete dictionary, though not the index verborum, is available here.