In Ridiculi et Horribiles Dei et Deae: A Latin Novella of Short Stories, the Roman gods and goddesses are up to their usual ridiculous and horrible selves. Did you know that Jupiter was a whiny baby who drank goat’s milk from a goat named Amalthea? (Yum!) Or that Jupiter’s siblings were all vomited up by their dad Saturn after he ate them? (Yuck!) Or that Apollo and Diana once killed fourteen children because Niobe said she was a better mother than their mom?! (Talk about anger issues!) Or that Mars once tried to marry Proserpina? (Shh, he also got hit in the head by Ceres, and he doesn’t want anyone…
Sample for Ridiculi et Horribiles Dei et Deae
Ridiculi et Horribiles Dei et Deae is a Latin novella of short stories published by Bombax Press. Unlike the samples for Bombax Press’s other novellas, the sample for Ridiculi et Horribiles Dei et Deae does not contain the first complete chapter. This is a novella of short stories, so it seemed more apt to provide the beginnings of the six individual stories within the novella than one complete story. More detailed information beyond the sample for Ridiculi et Horribiles Dei et Deae is available here. This novella is just about 4,900 words long and contains 237 words. Of those words, some are proper nouns, glossed words, or clear cognates. With…
Dictionary for Ridiculi et Horribiles Dei et Deae
The dictionary for Ridiculi et Horribiles Dei et Deae contains all the Latin words used in the novella of short stories. The dictionary does not further break down the vocabulary by each story. Some words are used only in one story. If you would like a preview of the novella, you can read the first few paragraphs of each short story here. You can review more detailed information about the novella here. Unlike the Index Verborum, which is a list of all the word forms in the novella, the dictionary for Ridiculi et Horribiles Dei et Deae provides the full dictionary entry for the word. In addition to providing the…