Although Bombax Press typically includes both indices and dictionaries for Latin novellas, Astronomia: Fabula Planetarum differs from this precedent. Astronomia contains an Index Verborum, which contains all the words used in the novella. It lists all verb forms separately, but it groups together the nouns and adjectival forms of the word. The Index Verborum provides readers with the opportunity to look up any word form that is unfamiliar.
Sample for Astronomia: Fabula Planetarum
Astronomia: Fabula Planetarum is a Latin novella published by Bombax Press. This sample for Astronomia contains a two-page spread from the novella, covering non-fiction text about the planet Jupiter and a short myth covering the birth of Minerva. For more information about the novella, including all the myths covered in the novella, visit this post.
Atrox Caedes: A Latin Novella
In Atrox Caedes: A Latin Novella, Merula finds her younger sister Catula endlessly annoying. Since the death of their mother, they only seem to be able to fight. After another pointless fight, Catula storms out of the house… and doesn’t return home when a riot breaks out on the streets of Pompeii. Merula is afraid but ventures out to search for her missing sister. Amid the atrocious slaughter, Merula will find the strength to save her family and heal its fractures.
Dictionary for Atrox Caedes
The dictionary for Atrox Caedes contains all the Latin words used in the novella. If you would like a preview of the novella, you can read the first chapter of the story here. You can review more detailed information about the novella here. Unlike the Index Verborum, which is a list of all the word forms in the novella, the dictionary for Atrox Caedes provides the full dictionary entry for the word. In addition to providing the dictionary entry and definition, the frequency in which the word generally appears in Latin literature is provided. The Dickinson Core Vocabulary and Essential Latin Vocabulary were used in creating the frequency rating.
Sample for Atrox Caedes
Atrox Caedes is a Latin novella published by Bombax Press. This sample for Atrox Caedes contains the first chapter to the novella, which takes place on the day of the gladiator riot in Pompeii in 59 C.E. In this chapter, we meet two sisters, Merula and Catula, who annoy each other, and their grandmother, Figula. These three characters are all struggling with grief and loss in different ways.
Erucula: Fabula Metamorphosis
Ērūcula: Fābula Metamorphōsis tells the tale of one little caterpillar’s joy and pride with each new stage of its metamorphosis. After all, Erucula is easily the leader of all other caterpillars; it even wears a crown! As Erucula muses about its own life, it describes the lives of the other caterpillars that crawl about the forests of Surinam. Each caterpillar has its own chrysalis and becomes a unique butterfly or moth. This novella uses the vibrant vocabulary and images that Maria Sibylla Merian herself used to describe the lifecycle of insects in her book Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium, which she published in 1705
Sample for Erucula: Fabula Metamorphosis
Erucula: Fabula Metamorphosis is a Latin novella published by Bombax Press. This sample for Erucula: Fabula Metamorphosis contains two pages of the novella. These pages introduce the reader to the narrator, which occurs after four pages of vocabulary and pictures to orient readers to the vocabulary in the novella. It contains all the images used in the novella as well as the glossed vocabulary.
The Index Verborum for Erucula: Fabula Metamorphosis
Although Bombax Press typically includes both indices and dictionaries for Latin novellas, Erucula: Fabula Metamorphosis differs from this precedent. Erucula: Fabula Metamorphosis contains an Index Verborum, and some words are grouped together in order to conserve space and reduce the cost of printing in color. This then reduces the overall cost of the book. The complete Index Verborum for Erucula: Fabula Metamorphosis is reproduced here. The Index Verborum provides readers with the opportunity to look up any word form that is unfamiliar.
Virgo Ardens: A Latin Novella
In Virgo Ardens: A Latin Novella, Iphis loves caring for her family farm on Crete. She loves the smell of the ocean, olives, and grain carried by the wind, and she loves watching lambs race through their fields. Yet, she also feels the burden of her secret—a secret only her mom knows. Before she was born, her father said they could only afford to raise a boy, so her mother lied to protect her. Iphis is stuck between two parents who don’t see her as she is. She isn’t the perfect son to her sick father because she’s a young woman, and she’s certainly not the perfect daughter because she’d…
Sample for Virgo Ardens
Virgo Ardens is a Latin novella published by Bombax Press. This sample for Virgo Ardens contains the preface to the novella, which takes place before Iphis, the main character, is born. It provides important background information to characters, themes, and events in the story, but it is weighty because it discusses female infanticide through exposure.