The story of Argos and Odysseus is a heartbreaking one of loyalty and loss for any dog lover. Argos Canis Optimus et Fortis retells the famous scene from the Odyssey where Argos alone recognizes Odysseus. This story is told from Argos’ point of view. This story can be used in conjunction with Cerberus Canis Monstruosus because Cerberus idolizes Argos as the best dog due to his loyalty. Words in bold are glossed words.
Scylla et Ulixes
Scylla et Ulixes is a short story that is suitable for use in Latin II. The story retells the myth of how Scylla was changed into a monster as a result of a magical potion. It includes lots of descriptions of body parts, the sea, and sailing. It also includes some general descriptions of the weather. The vocabulary is somewhat limited, but not as limited as it may be in a novella. Although this was not written with a particular set of vocabulary in mind, it is suitable for use for students depending on their familiarity with the 165 vocabulary words in the story.